Whether you are new to APIs or you are an API professional, some best practice tips from out in the field can never hurt. We describe some of the most common challenges in API Design, API Security, API Strategy, and API Business. And if these challenges sound familiar, don’t worry. We propose a best practice solution.
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The first email of the newsletter will address API Security with OAuth. If you are trying to get your head around OAuth, and you are getting confused, you are definitely not alone. This is why we created the OAuth Cheat Sheet. And we will share it with you, in the first email of the newsletter. Sign up above.

It is best practice to protect APIs with OAuth. All the big API providers use it, such as LinkedIn, Google or Paypal.
Using OAuth is not simple! Ever got confused by it? I certainly got confused in the beginning. And I see the same with many of my colleagues, when they are using or creating APIs. That is why I have created the OAuth 2.0 Cheat Sheet!
After Signup you will get the OAuth 2.0 Cheat Sheet. You can print it and stick it next to your desk, so you never get confused by OAuth again.