I am sure you can recognize a well designed API when you see it. But how to build one? The truth is that no one can possibly know how to build a successful API — without first knowing the API
What is a well-designed API?
When designing an API, which properties do we want the resulting API to have? A well-designed API is simple, clean, clear and approachable for its consumers. Why? Because in general, API consumers prefer APIs with these characteristics. And this is
API Design with Swaggerhub
I am excited to show you how to generate Java code for an API based on a Swagger API description. We will use Swaggerhub, which is what I call an integrated design environment for APIs. You have all the tools
API Styles: SOAP, REST, RPC, GraphQL and more
In this blog, we study several API styles: the REST-style (Representational State Transfer), the REST-like style, GraphQL, Falcor, the RPC style (Remote Procedure Call), the SOAP style and gRPC. We compare the approaches, show advantages and disadvantages, commonalities and differences.
APIs and the Internet of Things
Everyone is talking about the Internet of Things. But what does it have to do with APIs? The internet of things is made up of physical devices with an internet connection. The devices are controlled by software via their actors
A first glimpse of the new Amazon API Gateway
If a cloud giant like Amazon launches an API gateway, this will definitely affect the industry. So I just had to try the Amazon API Gateway, and get a feeling for what it has to offer, even if it is just
What are API Description Languages?
API description languages are domain-specific languages, which are especially suited for describing APIs. They are both human-readable and machine-readable languages, much like programming languages. They are intuitive languages that can be easily written, read and understood by API developers, API
How to describe APIs?
Whenever APIs need to be communicated among various stakeholders, APIs needs to be described in some from. Thus, it should be as easy as possible to describe APIs. Specialized languages can support the crafting of useful API descriptions by providing
The relation between OpenID Connect and OAuth 2
The OAuth standard ensures that there is no unintended leakage of information about the resource owner to the client. For example, it is ensured that the client does not get hold of the resource owner’s credentials. The OAuth standard ensures
What should an API Methodology deliver?
An API solution has a certain complexity. Complexity does not simply go away — it has to be handled somewhere, by someone. Thus, the complexity of the API solution can either be dealt with in the client or in the