So you are implementing your webhooks? Sweet. Then you have certainly asked yourself about the best way to test your webhook.
APIs and Events are the Hands and Eyes
There are two essential concepts for integration today: APIs and events. APIs allow for reading and writing data, calling functionality and starting processes. APIs connect us with actuators in the digital world that enable us to do and change things.
What are GraphQL Subscriptions?
Modern clients need to get near real-time updates that get triggered when something changes on the server. For example, an instant messaging app needs to get notified, when a new message arrives on the server, or a weather app needs
Events are Everywhere where there are APIs
Let me show you what I mean, when I say, events are everywhere where there are APIs: Payment API: An event notifies when the payment was processed. SMS API: An event notifies when the SMS is delivered. Email API: An event notifies when