Let’s explore some common use cases for AWS AppSync, where AWS AppSync can help to build GraphQL APIs fast. Simple Data-Centric GraphQL API A typical use-case for AppSync is providing a data-centric API to an existing data source. The advantage
Building GraphQL APIs with AWS AppSync
GraphQL is great but requires the manual installation and maintenance of software infrastructure components, tedious configuration, and some manual tweaking. And when running a productive GraphQL system, you need to find a way to scale the system up and down
Find your way in AppSync – AWS AppSync Architecture
AWS AppSync is a fully-managed serverless GraphQL infrastructure. Because it runs on a serverless, managed infrastructure, it scales automatically and does not require any manual installation nor any maintenance. Thus, AppSync allows us to get started quickly without any impediments.
How to test your Webhook
So you are implementing your webhooks? Sweet. Then you have certainly asked yourself about the best way to test your webhook.
APIs and Events are the Hands and Eyes
There are two essential concepts for integration today: APIs and events. APIs allow for reading and writing data, calling functionality and starting processes. APIs connect us with actuators in the digital world that enable us to do and change things.
What is a GraphQL Pattern?
GraphQL queries consist of one or more patterns which are matched against the big graph containing all the data on the server. The patterns describe a subgraph of the big graph and is used to search for the relevant data in the
AppSync Architecture
Let’s have a look at the AppSync architecture. In the figure below we have depicted such a high-level solution architecture for an app, an AppSync API and AWS data sources. On the left-hand side we have the clients connecting to
What is a GraphQL Query?
To read data with GraphQL, the client uses the query method. In the pattern of this query, the client has to explicitly specify all the object and fields it is interested in. As a result of the query, the client
What are GraphQL Subscriptions?
Modern clients need to get near real-time updates that get triggered when something changes on the server. For example, an instant messaging app needs to get notified, when a new message arrives on the server, or a weather app needs
Thank you
Dear Readers, thanks to you, RESTful API Design, the third book in the API-University Series has made it to the top of the Amazon Bestseller List. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Matt